A list of poems about loss,
or rather, the shameless truth of a human.
A Trip Around the Sun
A year later
The bathroom floor is still her friend
Thoughts of you pierce through all her days
Tears still make her feel lighter now and then
But she’s tasted peace

There is a reason you came into my life.
And if you leave it, there will be a reason for that
A Christmas Without You
You're still dead.
Breakfast was three sips of coffee at 2.30pm.
I sat with the pain.
I moved with the pain.
It’s Christmas day.
The bathroom floor is my home.
Our normal is gone.
My pine tree green toenails are leaned up against the bathtub.
The only trace of normal I can spot are the bruises my ski boots left on my shins...

You texted and my body felt it.
I haven’t been able
to shake it off.
I don’t understand my purpose in your life
That’s where the pain is.
I don’t know if I want you
to want me
All I know is,
I want me back.
The line that didn't show
I never want to hear your name again.
If this test is negative.
I never want to fall victim again,
to the thrillers in my mind.
Even though, there, they have a happy ending.
She unpacks the ripe avocado and OJ just like the stick she‘s about to pee on.
There was a pregnant lady at the table next to her at dinner last night, and well,
She’s late.
She’s late,

...that there's a place, from deep within, where ancient wisdom rules, from where we don't know how we know but we do, and nothing has ever made more sense. That's the place from which I write.